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How it Works… provides a new way to find and reserve high quality, cost-efficient vacation accommodations online. With available stays located all around the world, you can find the perfect rental for you and book it from the comfort of your own home. Below, we’ve summarized how works, so you can find luxury accommodations in just minutes.

1. Start Your Search

Start by searching for accommodations in your desired destination. Type the name of your destination and desired check-in date into the box on the home page, or use our interactive map feature to browse locations and resorts. If you’re unsure about the specifics of your vacation, you can view our list of deals to generate some ideas.

2. Select Your Preferred Accommodations

Once you find a resort you like, take a look at the available units. Many resorts often feature units that range in size from studios to three-bedroom suites. On the listing page, you can find a description of the resort as well as a list of accommodations, amenities, and nearby attractions.

3. Book Your Rental Online

Booking your resort rental accommodations is easy and takes just a few minutes. Hit the “Book Now” button on the listing, and fill out your contact and payment information on the next page. The details of your purchase including the total amount will appear on the right side of the page. Upon completing your reservation, you will be taken to a confirmation page, which includes a number for your records. A confirmation email will also be sent to the address you provided. Are you ready to book resort rentals at convenient and affordable prices for your next trip? You can get started now right on our Home page, or view our current deals and explore all has to offer.